(02) 9209 4117


UNSW PO Box 6127, SYDNEY NSW 1466


We aim at inaugurating and defining a new era in medicine, when no disease will be too difficult to treat, and no human in need of a treatment will be left wanting.

SSRI’s current research focuses on:

  • Rapid diagnostics: technologies to test for high-risk diseases (such meningococcal disease and associated septicaemia) in a clinical setting, drastically reducing the delays inherent in relying on laboratory based techniques;
  • Biopharmaceutical production, with a particular focus on the production of monoclonal antibodies with improved bio-efficacy and reduced immuno-toxicity; and
  • Manipulation of immune response, with a particular focus on inflammatory and auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease.


About us

The Stephen Sanig Research Institute is an independent, non-profit, scientific research organisation. Based at the Australian Technology Park, the Institute's mandate is to contribute to improved health outcomes by developing and disseminating new and effective methods of prevention, treatment and management of medical conditions for which there are currently limited patient options.

The Institute’s research program is deliberately interdisciplinary, and aims to integrate insights from diverse scientific fields to identify innovative treatments for conditions for which the pharmaceutical industry has, to date, shown little interest, or for which current pharmaceutical interventions have demonstrated limited effectiveness.

Our team and supporting network integrates capabilities from diverse fields such as cell biology, immunology, biophysics, biochemistry and biotechnology. We apply our capabilities to the development of new biopharmaceuticals as well as improving the safety and efficacy of existing products and drug candidates. Our founders and supporters intended the Institute to serve as a catalyst – pioneering new research ideas, attracting talented students to careers in scientific research, and contributing to the professional development of researchers and medical practitioners.