Early Stage Test |
Records that the company was not listed on an official stock exchange in Australia or a foreign country. | ATO Private Ruling or company certification and independent search records of exchanges. |
Record of the issue date of the shares | Copy of ASIC lodgement, Detailed ASIC Extract and Original Share Certificates |
The company’s and its 100% subsidiaries financial records previous financial year reports (show $1 million or less expenses and $200,000 or less in income) | Up to 6 years signed prior year taxation returns and consolidated company financial statements |
Independent records for ASIC Incorporation or registration on the ABR | ASIC and ABR Extract |
Proof that company was undertaking innovation activities solely on its own, or that the ownership structure did not defeat the purpose of ESIC concessions. The incentives may not apply to sophisticated structured ventures | Illustrated Company Structure Chart and independent relational company extract and corporate structure report. |
Principals (Innovation) Based Test |
Pt1:The company genuinely focussed on developing, a new or significantly improved product, service, process or marketing method for commercialisation? | Favourable ATO Private that confirms genuine focus on developing for commercialisation. |
Pt2:The company genuinely focussed on developing, a new or significantly improved product, service, process or marketing method for commercialisation? | Favourable ATO Private that confirms New or Significantly improved |
The innovation has high growth potential | Favourable ATO Private |
Demonstrated ability to scale | Favourable ATO Private |
Demonstrated access to wide markets | Favourable ATO Private |
Competitive advantage |
Favourable ATO Private * *Matched ATO ruling reference number would be sufficient. |