
MIStar® is a multi-modality, multi-module and multi-purpose software package with a broad spectrum of functionalities ranging from the very basic image visualization/analysis to the most advanced functions.

MIStar® supports various manufacturer-dependent advanced protocols. It can run on existing OEM/PACS workstations, or on stand alone desktop or laptop PCs. It provides streamlined workflow with an intuitive interface.

Apollo is a clinically-driven medical imaging software company specializing in the creation of advanced image processing software for clinical and research applications.

Our multiple modular product, MIStar® is a fast, economic and easy-to-use software package that provides a broad spectrum of advanced functions and cost effective cross-modality solutions for clinicians and the OEMs which serve them.

Apollo works closely with leading luminaries across the world to ensure the quality and clinical relevance of our products. MIStar® has been installed in leading hospitals and universities worldwide and MIStar® users include Radiologist, Technologist, Scientist, Physician and Surgeon. We are committed to the world-wide provision of quality products and the very highest levels of customer service.